Okay gardeners, here's the scoop! The wildly popular Whitby Library Seed Share opens February 1, 2025. It will close on May 31 and reopen August 19 to October 31. The closure between June and mid-August will give staff time to restock and get things organized for the fall planting season.
We accept donations all year long
Whether you grow vegetables or gorgeous perennials, consider a donation to the Library Seed Share. Harvesting is easy to do! Our Seed Share relies on donations to thrive. Just drop off your collection and we'll take care of the rest. Our team will pack, label, and store the seeds for sharing!
Borrowing from the Seed Share
- Select: Browse in-person (available at the Central Library location only)
- Sow: Plant your seeds. Watch them grow. Enjoy the show or the produce. Reserve some plants for seed.
- Share: Save new seeds and donate them to the library for others to enjoy.

More details for seed donation
- Submit seed donations to a staff member — not in the book returns.
- All seeds must be mature, dry, and free of dirt, debris and chaff.
- Provide as much information about the variety as possible. Donation forms are available at all Whitby Public Library locations.
What is seed saving?
Seed Saving is a growing movement that supports sustainable gardening practices and a healthy lifestyle by preserving genetic diversity and fostering an awareness of nature.
The Whitby Public Library Seed Share provides access to locally saved seed and knowledge for anyone interested in growing food, attracting pollinators, saving their own seed and contributing to this public resource.
New to seed saving?
Many of the seeds in the kits are great for beginner seed savers. Discover gardening and seed saving resources in these WPL Suggests reading lists:

The Seed Share was made possible through our partner Durham Master Gardeners and everyone who donated seeds. Thank you!