To access digital content, apply online for a Whitby Public Library eCard.
To check out physical materials, visit any Whitby Public Library location and show your current Ontario's driver's license or Ontario Photo Card, or present two pieces of identification--one with your current address on it. See below for examples of acceptable forms of identification if you do not have photo ID.
The cost to replace a lost card is $2.00. Protect your library card as you would your credit cards. Contact us to report lost or stolen cards immediately. Anything checked out using your card is your responsibility until the card is reported missing.
Non-residents living outside Durham Region may purchase a membership for $45.00 per year. Those living in Whitby on a short-term basis can apply for a temporary card with a refundable $10.00 deposit and two item check-out limit.
Acceptable forms of identification may include but are not limited to:
The Archives and Local History Gallery are located at the Central Library (second floor). Access to the archives are by appointment. Questions? Contact us.
Archives at Whitby Public Library
The Archives acquires, preserves, interprets and makes available unpublished records that reflect the history, growth, diversity and development of Whitby and its people. We accept donations that meet our selection criteria.
Genealogy and Family History
Researching your family history? We have over 3000 files on the early settler families of Whitby. Each file contains genealogical charts and newspaper articles. Email for access. The Whitby Public Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library. Public computers at all branches provide access to thousands of digital records. Your library card provides access to Ancestry Library Edition and ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Toronto Star.
Whitby Historical Photographs
Explore Whitby’s visual history through our digitized photograph collection. Search by keyword, name or address. Visit our virtual exhibits, help us solve some mysteries, or share your story.
Whitby Historical Newspapers
Our historical newspapers are digitized and fully searchable with highlighted text results. More recent newspapers, including Whitby This Week, are indexed online. Full articles are available on microform in the Central Library.
Archeion is the online gateway to archival records in Ontario. Explore records of businesses, individuals, families, and organizations from Whitby’s history, using our finding aids.
Research Guides
Curious about where you live? Get started with our Guide to Researching your House and Whitby Historic Buildings and Properties Index. Wondering how to keep your family's historical documents safe? Get handy storage tips with our Guide to Preserving your Family History.
Indexes to Local History Book Indexes
Library staff have indexed key titles from our Local History collection: