Durham Public Libraries, including Whitby, along with our partner Durham Children’s Aid Society(CAS), won the Ontario Library Association Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom award and the Joyce Cunningham Award at this years Super Conference. The Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award recognizes the courage shown by individuals and organizations in defending the rights of library patrons to full access to information. The Ontario Library Boards’ Association’s Joyce Cunningham Award honours a collaborative effort that demonstrates a high level of collaboration and innovation to produce outstanding results.
Both awards honour efforts in hosting, promoting, and celebrating 2023 Drag Queen Storytimes.
Whitby Library’s Jaclyn Derlatka, along with her committee from the Children and Adult Fiction Department, took a leadership role in last year’s joint effort. Staff across the system supported this important initiative with our allies and advocates. In addition to Durham CAS, the Town of Whitby’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Durham PFLAG, CUPE, Durham Regional Police Service, Durham Paramedic Services, Whitby Fire and Emergency Services, and the broader community, came together to make Drag Queen Storytime an enormous success.

“We are exceptionally proud of our team and our entire staff for their incredible work involved with this important event,” said Library CEO Rhonda Jessup. “This award is shared with all our partners and our entire community for the overwhelming support for our storytimes.”
The Durham CAS and Durham Libraries have partnered since 2019 and delivered eight Drag Queen Storytimes in 2023. The proactive and unified approach ensured successful programs with more than one thousand children and families in attendance throughout the Region.
According to Durham CAS, approximately 10% of Durham Region’s population identifies as 2SLGBTQIA+, with that number being much higher in the child welfare system. These youth are more likely to experience rejection, neglect, or abuse when their family learn of their sexual orientation, gender identify or gender expression.
Public libraries champion the values that underpin democratic society: free, open, and equitable access to diversity of information and ideas, civic engagement, intellectual freedom, and freedom of speech. The Whitby Public Library helps build understanding for one another by being a welcoming and inclusive public space for all.
We look forward to another successful year. Plans are in the works for Drag Queen Storytime 2024.