FanCon shatters attendance records as Whitby flocks to celebrate all things fandom!

Holy Batman! Did you hear the news? More than 1,500 people attended FanCon 2024 at the Central Library on Saturday, October 5. 

For almost a decade, fans embraced the Whitby Comic Arts Festival (WhitCAF) celebrating comic books and superheroes. The astounding response from the community inspired the planning team to take things up a notch for 2024. With big ideas to broaden the scope of the festival, the timing was right for a name change. WhitCAF became FanCon. 

And wow, pow, did Whitby love it!  FanCon built on the community’s love of comic books by ramping up offerings for fans of manga, anime, graphic novels, and of course, cosplay. Everywhere you looked, there was a superstar from Star Wars Clone Troopers to Sailor Sirenity and Shampoo Boots along with Spider-Mandrew, Brampton Batman and yes, that really was Dog Man.


Highlights of the day included a cosplay parade, author signings, and the Spider-Man dance party!

We partnered this year with the Whitby BIA to bring you exciting vendors that took over Celebration Square. We even expanded to the second floor to include more vendors, exhibitors, and book sales.

Like most superheroes, our team has little time to rest. We're already planning for next year. If you attended FanCon, we'd love to hear from you. This survey will take just a few moments and will go a long way in helping us make 2025 even better!

Thank you to all our amazing volunteers, exhibitors, vendors, artists, and the Whitby BIA for helping us make this year such a smashing success!

Lady Thor.
Two Children.