
Something special happened when Whitby heard about this Library program.

There’s only one way to describe the community’s reaction to the Library’s March Break Bluey programs: sensational! So sensational, in fact, that the story has to be shared. Since the beloved Rossland Branch is our smallest location and staff anticipated a great deal of interest in the program, people were asked to register for capacity purposes. Staff were absolutely amazed to see more than 80 people line up on the day of the party to see if there was any room to join! Thanks to the quick acting efforts of staff and volunteers, everyone who showed up was able to participate. 

Looking for your next great read? We’ve got you covered.

Do you love a compelling book recommendation with quick, snappy vibes that helps you decide if it’s a fit? Look no further! We have something just for you. At the end of each year, our internal Staff champion of “give us the goods” on your favourite read, sends out a request across the Library to gather top picks. Yes, there is an excel spread sheet involved! The result is a literal gold mine of choices for your next reading adventure. 

Celebrating a sense of connection: Library is nominated for World Religion Day event.

It was a chilly day in late January when communities from different faiths around Durham Region gathered at the Central Library for a special celebration.  There was soon a sense of warmth as more than two hundred people took part in World Religion Day: Faith Through the Arts – an event organized by Durham Multifaith Community in partnership wit

Hey Brooklin Branch. Looking sharp! New furniture arrives for a fresh update.

Like most people, we get pretty excited about shiny new things! When the furniture delivery truck pulled up to the Brooklin Branch, our Staff were eagerly waiting for the moment they could rip the plastic off for the big reveal. The gorgeous chairs and couches looked exactly as we hoped. The warm tones that Brooklin Branch is famous for are complemented by the new furniture's splash of colour. 

Library shatters attendance records as Whitby flocks to FanCon 2024!

Holy Batman! Did you hear the news? More than 1,500 people attended FanCon 2024 at the Central Library on Saturday, October 5. 

For almost a decade, fans embraced the Whitby Comic Arts Festival (WhitCAF) celebrating comic books and superheroes. The astounding response from the community inspired the planning team to take things up a notch for 2024. With big ideas to broaden the scope of the festival, the timing was right for a name change. WhitCAF became FanCon. 

Did someone say, “Summer Slide?" These 5 ideas will keep kids busy learning.

Hello summer! It’s what students have been waiting for all year. Remember that feeling? When the bell rings on the last day of school, that thrilling rush of excitement and a sense of utter freedom!

There’s no doubt, the topic of the summer slide can rain on this magnificent parade. The summer slide is a term used to describe the potential loss of academic learning over the summer months. 

For the love of chess. Children flock to the Library to learn from a local master

Meet Manoj Tahiliani. This remarkable Whitby resident is a cardiologist by day and chess instructor by night! The Library is fortunate to have Manoj donate his time as a volunteer chess club instructor for Grades 2-8 at the Central Library. We sat down with Manoj to find out more about his passion for teaching the next generation how to play this legendary game.

The results are in! Winners announced in Library's inaugural poetry contest.

Hey Whitby writers! Thanks to you, our first annual poetry contest was a tremendous success. Our panel of judges was incredibly impressed by the scope of work that arrived in our submission boxes. It made it exceptionally difficult to choose finalists in our two categories! 

Congratulations to our winners and runner-ups.  A shout out to all of you who were brave enough to share your poetry. We're already looking forward to next year!

On a mission to share a passion – one ukulele at a time.

Aaron Walderman may not call himself a perfectionist, but when it comes to knowing what makes a great guitar, he knows one when he sees it. After searching for the ultimate guitar, the former engineer decided he could just make one for himself. In the early 80’s, he heard about a program at the Ontario College of Art that could teach him how to design and make his own guitar. That led to a lifetime passion for making musical instruments including the ukulele.

One person, one act, one seed—together we can make a difference.

It seems like such a small thing. The simple act of tapping a seed out of a packet and pushing it around slowly in your palm. Once you marvel at the sheer potential of what you’re holding, next comes the step of gently planting the seed into the soil. A good pat on top of the dirt is usually hard to resist. Finally, it’s time to add a little water, and then comes the hard part: you wait expectantly to see what happens. It appears so effortless and yet, it's climate action personified. 

Whitby Library shares award-winning honours at Library Super Conference.

Durham Public Libraries, including Whitby, along with our partner Durham Children’s Aid Society(CAS), won the Ontario Library Association Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom award and the Joyce Cunningham Award at this years Super Conference. The Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award recognizes the courage shown by individuals and organizations in defending the rights of library patrons to full access to information.

Celebrating Black History Month with Celina Caesar-Chavannes

It's hard to land on one word to describe Celina Caesar-Chavannes. For many, she is known as a trailblazer. Celina was the first Black politician to federally represent the Town of Whitby (2015-2019).  Author, social activist, entrepreneur, Chopra Certified Coach®, and speaker are also part of her impressive bio. But it's listening to Celina tell her story that leaves a deep connection to her inspiring narrative.

Brain Food - The benefits of accepting a reading challenge

No doubt about it, life is busy! It can be hard to squeeze in reading time each day. You know what we've found helps in the motivation department? Reading challenges! And we're talking for all ages. The benefits to curling up with a book are endless - never mind sitting down for one-on-one time with the kids for a book snuggle. It's pure magic.  But back to the busy problem. That's where we step in. We've created a one-stop-shop for all the latest reading challenges. Find one that fits and jump in!


The Human Behind the Photograph – an interview with an artist

Jacqueline Woods is a digital based photographer in Durham Region who specializes in documentary, portraits, and events. Her recent exhibit at the Central Library, The Human Behind the Photograph : Living on the Streets, featured a series of black and white photographs of people she met living on the street. We wanted to find out more about her inspiring work. Jacqueline shared her insight with us in this interview.

WPL:  What was it like for you taking these portraits?